What to do: -- You are voting for 3 sets & 8 icons. -- Don't vote for yourself or get anybody else to vote for you. -- Don't forget to vote in the other polls. -- Voting will end around September 29th.
What to do: -- You are voting for 3 sets & 8 icons. -- Don't vote for yourself or get anybody else to vote for you. -- Don't forget to vote in the other polls. -- Voting will end around September 29th.
What to do: -- Don't vote for yourself or get anybody else to vote for you. -- Don't forget to vote in the other polls. -- Voting will end around September 29th.
As usual the month has gone by way to fast. Remember you have until Monday September 20th by 11:59 PM in your time zone to enter. I am obviously not going to stay up all night waiting all of the time zones to reach midnight so as long as you submit by Tuesday September 21st by 3:00 PM EDT, I will accept your entry. Sign ups will be going up around
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